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Words That Transform & Manifest

Words have more than one purpose. Along with the function of communication between human beings, words have the power to transform life situations, create, manifest and heighten spiritual evolution. Words do this by changing the frequency of vibrations resulting in increasing or decreasing the vibratory rate of that which is is aimed at.

Words can be spoken, sung, or chanted and in all of these ways, create beauty, attract love, heal the soul body and manifest desires. Particular words have specific functions and those who know these functions are able to do things the average person can not.

Imagination is also a factor in manifestation. Envisioning what one desires gives God, the Universe and your Angels the images one's desires to bring forward. A good clear picture brings a good clear result. So if you want to manifest, it would be wise to become adept at creating in your mind and holding images. This is called Envision, the practice of visualizing, imagining, picturing, see in one's mind's eye, conjure up an image of.

Words plus imagination together bring forth with greater power. The controlled discipline of the mind and of the tongue are much needed in these practices. Imagination and vocal communication is what distinguishes humans from all other beings existent on earth. Through these abilities, humans have the power of creation and thus were made in the image of God. The key to creating strategically to achieve the life we want depends on our ability to realize these powers and practice using them with precision. The more we practice and discipline the better we get.



The word Love attracts and magnify that which is envisioned and attached to it. Chanting the word LOVE opens the heart chakra which can be very healing to the body and soul. So if you chant Love , you can heal your body ailments and whatever you touch. The more one is attuned to the vibration of LOVE, the greater the ability to heal. This is why Jesus Christ was able to heal through touch. He was highly attuned to the word unconditional LOVE, a pure kind of LOVE without jealousy or judgement. His love came straight from God's spiritual essence and thus, it transformed into wholeness, whatever was not whole ie the sick . We can do the same.


The word Hallelujah is a word of Praise. It is one the Angels vocalize often because of it's ability to attune one to the highest levels of spiritual energy. When one says Hallelujah, we Praise God and all his creations. Praise elicits feelings of being grateful which purifies the soul. Where there is gratefulness, there is humility and where there is humility, there is a blending with the soul and spirit.

Chanting Hallelujah initiates the blending of these 3 components of ourselves, our heaven to earth and ultimately supreme harmony with God and all his creations.

The Threefold Essence of Man:

In order for one to have more control over their their destiny, there needs to be a blending of the mind, soul and spirit. A blending of mind, soul and spirit is like the union of the conscious mind, the subconscious and supraconscious. The conscious is what we dwell in daily to interact with the outside world and it perceives, passes on information to the soul to make judgments. The soul is where we think, reason, rationalize things to make decisions. The subconscious encompasses the awareness of all things the conscious mind cannot recognize but have experienced in some way form or fashion. The Supraconscious is that which is eternal, supernatural and is where our spirits thrive and evolve it is here that is our form of heaven on earth. When the Supraconscious is given power, it creates a bridge between the ethereal and the earthly . These are the various plateaus of consciousness that God built into the essence of man and when they are split, it is like having multiples personalities with no control over who comes out to react with people or the environment at any given time, resulting in chaos. In order to resume divine order, there conscious and subconscious must be in harmony so the supraconscious can channel it's ethereal energy to bring a full transformation of the human being into a SPIRIT BEING. The balance of all 3 brings about a harmony within and when there is harmony within, there is harmony without.


Chanting healing words with regularity creates a paradigm that breaks the bonds of illness, lack and limitation and rearranges them to be conduits of divine order through which miracles can occur.

For now these 2 words, LOVE and HALLELUJAH and break the chains of sickness, pain, unhappiness and loneliness, to bring about happiness, love and healing. Try chanting them with angelic music and you will amplify the effects substantially. Chant each word 10 times, 3 times per day week 1. Then amp it up by chanting 18 times, 3 times per day week 2. Then amp it up to 28 times, 3 times per day week 3 and then amp it up to 108 times, 3 times per day, week 4. Watch the Miracles Come Forth!

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